September 13th - my birthday. Grateful 🙏🏻 Trip to São Paulo, Brazil

Don’t let emotional people excite you a lot over some opportunity. After a few years, I’m eager to identify these types and their conversation. Usually, great opportunities come from extremely serious people who see value in your integrity and professionalism.


Mainstream social media became extremely annoying. Instagram is asking for a video verification of myself - I find it very invasive. That’s why I enjoy the format of - no ads, no fake profiles, just people.

Pictures from my week in São Paulo, Brazil Another city that never sleeps with the best pizza in the world

Great place for gelatos. It’s run by an Italian-Brazilian family. Best in town and beautiful interiors

Brazil is suffering from criminal and political led arson in farms and vegetation. The first picture shows the smoke and dust clouds from the fires in my area. The second picture is from yesterday. You can’t see the buildings. This morning was the same. Huge financial losses and health threats.

Sometimes the best thing to do is to relax at home. Watch a movie. Listen to a song. Read a few chapters. Or do nothing 😄

Successfully made a great friend addicted to Balatro. I invited him over, we had a burger and played GTA 5 and then Balatro on Monday evening. He just texted me a picture of him playing in his computer 😂

I should get a commission!

Made a new friend! He’s lovely

July 17th 2024: The day the world couldn’t boot Windows.

I’ve had an online meeting last week with two executives from Chewy, a business conversation about a product I’ve developed in the past. Both of them were working from home.

Seems like strategic professionals are working from home most of the time - and that seems to be working.

I’ve been working all day in my aviation app and just exchanged a few emails about an opportunity with an industrial automation technology. I still have to write an email to a pilot in Hong Kong about the app. Busy yet productive day!

Felt like posting this pic 😜

Knowing what kind of information you need to process in order to succeed is way more powerful than consuming all kinds of information.

Maybe an artist should conceptualize these pictures as art. Wooden floor. A lamp. Humidifier.

📷 From Natal, Brazil

I’ve been redesigning my startup’s website lately

Reminding myself of days we’ve just gotta take it easy. Myself in beautiful Porto de Galinhas, Brazil

I’ve worn anklets for more than a year now. I think they help me connect to myself and nature. I know it because I feel different when I’m wearing them

It seems like I walk in circles in certain weeks. I execute some tasks, but accomplish little. I also feel like I naturally use these weeks to process, sink in information on from previous weeks.

I’m making plenty of decisions. One of them is to focus in my aviation software startup.

I was afraid to keep going and take the risk, but the fear didn’t paralyze me. I kept going, put the website back on, improved the app and looking for more clients.

Let’s go!

**Evening of studies aesthetics. ** Great to revisit computer science concepts such as the Big O.

I’ve been through a very busy week. I’ve extensively searched ERP software documentation and developing diagrams for a solution targeting the aviation industry. I never thought it would get that busy, but it did!

Today, I had to sit down and estimate if a project is feasible or not. If it’s feasible, how and when we should ship the software application.

It’s not an easy task, I have to confess, but it enlightens the future of our lives.

Pencils down. Time to think.

I was just playing GTA 5 and I always get impressed with its visuals. Sunsets are incredible in the game. Water reflections. Textures. Light effects.

I mean, look at these sunsets. Ain’t them incredible?

Look at this nightclub entrance. I don’t think any other game has this level of detail.