
I was working in the code of my personal website and I found that it’s pretty hard to put me in a box. I struggle with definitions. Software Engineer? Entrepreneur? Product?

It’s pretty hard to put me in a single box. I’m into several boxes during my workday.

I’ve designed and developed an aviation app to private airports in partnership with a well-versed aviation professional.

I’m also leading a team of four software engineers in developing an AI solution that will probably turn up to be a startup.

Designing. Presenting. Coding. Talking. Listening. Researching. Explaining. Selling.

These activities are all part of my day in no particular order. I’m a generalist kind of professional that recruiters often have difficulty in understanding.

And I don’t see myself doing it differently.

That’s why I had trouble defining my home page. Ruby on Rails specialist? Software Engineer? Well, yes - but there’s a larger context.

Perhaps I’ll just define a quick intro and let readers jump straight to my blog posts. People will understand me.